What it would’ve been like to get together with friends and hit the drive in theater on a humid summer night. You pull up and the first thing you see is the big sign. “The monster” the movie everyone’s been dying to see. You pull past the sign and drive in, you park in the middle row for the perfect viewing angle. You grab an ice cold soda and some popcorn and you get ready for the show. The nights you’ll never forget.
Original story:
I have always been intrigued by the large billboards placed at the entrance of the theater. You pull up and it’s bright and makes you just feel excited. That’s what I’ve been enjoying most in my time here. So I decided to put the second piece together with this in mind. Since the items were going to be placed at the entrance I figured let’s tribute this second piece to the billboard that welcomes all into l the experience. I drew the sign, I wrote the movie that was playing, and finally the location at the bottom. The location was important if this piece ever got into someone else’s hands that’s out of town or something like that. One last thing, tomorrow I will be heading into the future, present day for most of you readers here. Remember that contraption I built in the 70s? Well somehow it’s been lost or stolen. I’m not sure what’s happened so I need to get there and try and find it.
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